About Five Star Exit

We're two friends who built & sold an Amazon FBA business

It was a life-changing outcome, but the process was more challenging and stressful than it needed to be.

We made mistakes and walked away with mixed emotions. It was a relief to finally sign off from Seller Central, but painful knowing we had left a large amount of money on the table.

Our experience is not unique. Many people struggle to sell their business, make deal-killing mistakes, or settle for a low selling price because they lack knowledge and haven't prepared for the sale.

But it doesn't have to be this way.

Oliver Stevens, Co-founder of Five Star Exit
Oliver Stevens
Specialty: Operations & Logistics
David Turnbull, Cofounder of Five Star Exit
David Turnbull
Specialty: Marketing & Growth
We want to help you achieve a life-changing exit from FBA

Our flagship guide, How to Sell Your Amazon FBA Business, combines months of research with our hard-earned experience to lead you through the sale process.

We lay out the steps you need to take to get you and your business 'Ready for Exit', and give you the tools you need to achieve a life-changing outcome.

Selling your business is a huge life event, and it’s too important to leave to chance. We hope that with our help you can significantly increase your odds of success.

Unbiased guides to the sale process

Most "How to sell your Amazon FBA Business" content has been created by the aggregators and company buyers – the other side of the deal.

Their guides are helpful, but not exactly unbiased. You can't expect the people who are looking to buy your business to go out of their way to strengthen your selling position.

But what about brokers, lawyers and the other people that are on 'your side'?

They are essential. But if they haven't built and sold their own business then it's going to be hard for them to truly understand what you're going through, the questions you have, and support you need.

We've designed our guides and resources to provide you with the independent information and support we wish we had while we were selling our company. We cover the entire sales process, outlining the strategies and tactics we used along the way to ultimately sell for millions of dollars.

Arming yourself with this knowledge will ensure you are fully prepared when the time comes to sell your Amazon business. You'll be able to keep your stress levels under control, and potentially increase your company's sale price by hundreds of thousands of dollars or more.

A life-changing exit from FBA is within your reach


We are not lawyers, accountants or financial advisors.
The content on this website and associated resources should not be taken as legal or financial advice.
You should seek appropriate legal, financial and professional advice before attempting any company sale.