Deep Dive Guide
How to sell your Amazon FBA business
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Jul 25, 2024

In 2021, we achieved a multi-million dollar exit from our Amazon FBA business. It was a life-changing event, but the journey was far from easy. As first-time sellers, we were new to the entire process and found ourselves dealing with experienced M&A experts on the buyer's side. Despite the challenges, we managed to successfully complete the sale, thanks to hard work, excellent advisors, and a far bit of luck. And we learned many valuable lessons along the way.

It’s harder to sell an Amazon business now than it was in 2021. Valuations are down from their peak and buyers are increasingly picky about the companies they acquire. But harder does not equal impossible. If you have a solid business and are willing to put in the effort, you can still secure a fair price for your company.

Our goal

The goal of this guide is to help you achieve a life-changing exit of your own. It’s taken years of hard work for you to reach this point, and we want you to get a great return on that investment.

In the following modules, we'll share everything we wish we had known before starting the sale process, including:

  1. Timing your sale: When to sell your business and why selling "early" was one of the best decisions we made
  2. Preparing for the sale: How to make your business attractive to potential buyers
  3. Increasing your valuation: Strategies to boost the value of your business by hundreds of thousands of dollars or more

And much more.

We are excited to share our experience with you. We are not M&A professionals, but we can offer something else: the first-hand knowledge gained through building and selling an Amazon FBA business.


Before we dive in, we need to highlight an important point.

We are not lawyers, accountants or financial advisors. 

The content in this guide should not be taken as legal or financial advice. We highly recommend that you seek appropriate legal, financial and professional advice before attempting any company sale.

Using this guide

The modules in this guide are designed to follow the "standard" company sales process, with a strong emphasis on the preparation stages. We've divided the preparation process into multiple modules to show you how to organize your business, increase your valuation, and more.

To achieve your dream exit, you need a comprehensive understanding of the entire sale process. And this requires more than just a superficial knowledge of each stage. You should feel confident when speaking with brokers or buyers, negotiating a letter of intent, or navigating due diligence.

That's why this guide covers the entire sale process from start to finish. With this knowledge, you can set goals, make informed decisions, and avoid costly surprises or mistakes. You'll see how your early preparation work pays off in the later stages of the sale – for example, organizing your business can strengthen your negotiating position and lead to a higher final selling price.

Throughout the guide, we'll share real-world examples from the sale of our own business, highlighting both our successes and challenges. By learning from our experiences, you can avoid the same pitfalls and maximize your chances of a successful exit.

We recommend going through all the modules first to gain a comprehensive understanding of the process. Then, revisit the guide as you prepare yourself and your business for your future exit. When the time is right, and you're ready to sell, you can refer back to each module as you progress through the sale process.

Make your dream exit from FBA

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About Five Star Exit

Five Star Exit was founded by Oliver and David, two friends who sold their Amazon FBA business for millions of dollars.

How to sell your Amazon FBA business leverages their hard-won experience to provide Amazon Seller's with a clear roadmap to a life-changing exit.

Oliver Stevens, Co-founder of Five Star Exit
Oliver Stevens
David Turnbull, Cofounder of Five Star Exit
David Turnbull


We are not lawyers, accountants or financial advisors.
The content on this website and associated resources should not be taken as legal or financial advice.
You should seek appropriate legal, financial and professional advice before attempting any company sale.