You're ready to leave the daily grind of Amazon FBA behind and achieve your own Five Star Exit. That's a great goal – but how do you get there?
The journey from Seller to Sold follows a clear path. But it takes time, and skipping steps will make it harder to reach your dream. Let's start by looking at the company sale process so you understand what's ahead.
There are five key stages in the Amazon FBA Exit process.
The sale process can last anywhere from a few weeks to many months. It depends on a range of factors like how prepared you are, the type of buyer, and the deal's complexity. We'll discuss these in detail throughout the guide.
Of course, if something goes wrong then those timelines can quickly expand. And many things can go wrong.
You could put your business on the market and find that buyers aren’t willing to meet your price. In that case, you’d need to return to the preparation stage and work hard to to raise your valuation before restarting the sale process again.
Or, you could accept an offer from a buyer and start due diligence. A few weeks go by, and the buyer informs you that they’ve discovered a problem. They attempt to ‘retrade’, which is a fancy way of saying “change the terms of the deal”.
This would leave you in a tough situation. You could reluctantly accept their new terms and be far less happy with the deal. Or you could choose to push back. But this could lead to them walking away completely, sending you right back to the start of the “Go to market” stage.
The further you are in the sale process, the more expensive issues become. It's crucial to prepare your business and fix potential problems before you start selling. We know it's hard to find time when you're running your Amazon business. But you can't sell until everything is organized, and it's much harder to do this with the stress of a live deal.
We'll discuss preparation much more throughout the guide. For now, let's move on to the next steps in your Five Star Exit journey.
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Five Star Exit was founded by Oliver and David, two friends who sold their Amazon FBA business for millions of dollars.
How to sell your Amazon FBA business leverages their hard-won experience to provide Amazon Seller's with a clear roadmap to a life-changing exit.