Deep Dive Guide
How to sell your Amazon FBA business
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Our Amazon story

Jul 25, 2024

Before we discuss the details of selling an Amazon FBA business, we thought it would be helpful to share our own story. This will help you better understand who we are and how we created this guide. If you're interested in learning more about our journey, read on. Otherwise, feel free to skip ahead to the next module.

Oliver's story 

Oliver, born and raised in London, began his career in finance after university. Feeling unfulfilled, he decided to start his own business. After a few failed attempts, he discovered Amazon FBA in 2016.

"FBA started as a side project, but it soon became more profitable than my other ventures," Oliver explains. "Back then, selling Amazon businesses wasn't as common, so I focused on building a steady income stream rather than growing to sell."

Oliver's first big win came from selling 20-packs of electric toothbrush heads at the same price as name-brand 4-packs. This success led him to expand our product line and enter new markets across Europe and North America.

By early 2019, we had grown the business to include four brands with $1 million in yearly revenue. However, Oliver was struggling to manage everything on his own.

Enter David

Realizing he needed help, Oliver reached out to his friend David, whom he had met at a coworking space years earlier. David joined the company in the summer of 2019, bringing his expertise in growth marketing from his previous tech startup job.

David recalls, "Oliver and I often discussed his business challenges over drinks after work. I'd offer advice on growth strategy, marketing, and streamlining operations. Eventually, he convinced me to leave the software world and join him."

Rapid Growth & An Unexpected Opportunity 

Over the next 18 months, our sales skyrocketed. We launched new products and brands, multiplying our revenue and profit several times. By the end of 2020, we had become market leaders in several categories across North America and Europe.

Although we planned to keep growing for another year or two before considering a sale, things changed unexpectedly. Aggregators started reaching out because they were interested in buying our business.

Oliver shares, "We ignored these emails at first since they didn't fit our timeline. But some were persistent. David convinced me to talk to one aggregator he'd heard good things about. We had our first call in February 2021, and a few months later, they owned our business."

Wrapping Up

The sale process involved many steps, which we'll cover in more detail later. But we were Amazon sellers just like you. We built a successful company, navigated the sale process, and achieved a positive outcome. And now, we want to help you do the same.

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About Five Star Exit

Five Star Exit was founded by Oliver and David, two friends who sold their Amazon FBA business for millions of dollars.

How to sell your Amazon FBA business leverages their hard-won experience to provide Amazon Seller's with a clear roadmap to a life-changing exit.

Oliver Stevens, Co-founder of Five Star Exit
Oliver Stevens
David Turnbull, Cofounder of Five Star Exit
David Turnbull


We are not lawyers, accountants or financial advisors.
The content on this website and associated resources should not be taken as legal or financial advice.
You should seek appropriate legal, financial and professional advice before attempting any company sale.